Therapy Courses

What we offer

Initial Consultation

Full hour consultation to assess needs and address symptoms. This consultation is required prior to starting any therapy. Myofunctional therapy is offered in-person and online.

Frenectomy (Infant-Adult)

Oral ties are often the root cause of orofacial dysfunction. Please inquire for more information on oral ties and our referral process.

Habit Elimination (Ages 1+)

Habit elimination therapy focuses on pacifier use, nail biting, and thumb sucking.

Mini Myo (Ages 1-6)

Partial therapy targeted for ages 1-6. Mini Myo consist of fun and easy to follow therapy techniques to help aide in your child’s jaw development. Did you know that an estimated 85% of jaw growth is completed by age 5?

Myofunctional Therapy (Ages 6+)

Full course of myofuntional therapy targeted towards ages 6-Adult. Therapy is beneficial at all ages, set up a consultation today!

The Results

Mouth breathing is catastrophic and should be seen as a major health concern. Starting in infancy.

— Naomi, OMT